
This property accesses the format of a specific prompt. It is only an extension of the Format VBA command.

Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions


PromptID.Format = vValue

Alternate: sValue = PromptID.Format

sValue     (String) is the format mask to use when displaying data for the prompt.

vValue     (Variant) sets the format mask to use when displaying data for the prompt.


txtTime.Format = "hh:mm"

RFPrompt("txtTime").Format = "hh:mm"

c - General Date

dddddd - Long Date

ddddd - Short Date

ttttt - Long Time

hh:mm AMPM   - Medium Time , 12-hr format

hh:mm - Short, 12-hr format

HH:mm - Short, 24-hr format

$#,##0.00 or ($#,##0.00) - Currency 0.00 - Fixed

#,##0.00 - 'Standard 0.00% - Percent 0.00E+00 - Scientific

Yes/No - Return "No" if zero, else return "Yes"

True/False - Return "True" if zero, else return "False"

On/Off - Return "On" if zero, else return "Off"

For further examples get help on the VB FORMAT command.

Version Supported:      RFgen 4.0, 4.1, 5.0, 5.1, 5.2 and newer.